things keep going left
IPPT - cant rem exactly wad i did b4 that but by laz sun i was quite shag out.. but tues got bbal trials. shagged out. from 23 ppl axed 9 ppl to 14, left 10 places (cuz 5 reserved for the experienced seniors)
wed ippt. went to yj according to the map, then the security guard point to khatib camp. went to the gate, says go to front gate which is at the opposite of the camp. by the time reach the camp oso left half a life. in the end juz barely pass. but the electronic system is damn cool, except the part where i did 7 chin-ups, no chest ups, but it only counted 4 and the pti only add 2 for me, if only my starting chin up not so high mayb i can do lyk 8!! and get hundred bucks more. nx day agm, but bcuz of guy-who-lyk-to-play-exclusivity-games i got delayed and didnt got for the final trials. in the end, i nv got in. i mean, this rawks man. it is a lifetime thing, i'm too tired with fighting with my fate on bball. thats it. i cant take it anymore.
studies not going well, **** dun go well, ippt dun go well, ******* dun go well, bball dun go well, everything is juz not going right for me.
damn it.
and today, even if i wana put on a facade, i cant. and this jeremy guy juz wana piss me off more. but i really couldnt really be bothered. :(
wed ippt. went to yj according to the map, then the security guard point to khatib camp. went to the gate, says go to front gate which is at the opposite of the camp. by the time reach the camp oso left half a life. in the end juz barely pass. but the electronic system is damn cool, except the part where i did 7 chin-ups, no chest ups, but it only counted 4 and the pti only add 2 for me, if only my starting chin up not so high mayb i can do lyk 8!! and get hundred bucks more. nx day agm, but bcuz of guy-who-lyk-to-play-exclusivity-games i got delayed and didnt got for the final trials. in the end, i nv got in. i mean, this rawks man. it is a lifetime thing, i'm too tired with fighting with my fate on bball. thats it. i cant take it anymore.
studies not going well, **** dun go well, ippt dun go well, ******* dun go well, bball dun go well, everything is juz not going right for me.
damn it.
and today, even if i wana put on a facade, i cant. and this jeremy guy juz wana piss me off more. but i really couldnt really be bothered. :(