song now:
cry babies?
Message: :: Do you often cry in front of people
or alone?
:: Have your friends ever seen you cry?
-yea tink so.. damn
:: Have you cried today?
:: Do you usually cry for a long time?
-c how long it laz lorx..
:: Do you get really red when you cry?
-erm.. do u look in the mirror when u cry? besides.. i cant appear red u c.. heehex.
:: Have you ever cried because you were happy?
-hmm.. did i?
:: Have you ever been someone's "crying shoulder"?
-yea.. but now.. not often.. ppl dun find me when they're sad.
:: Have you ever hugged someone because they were
- erm.. ya.. but it was my fault anw..
:: Have you ever had a shoulder to cry on?
- yupx! laz nite a fren juz offered me!
:: Have you been hugged when you cried?
- when i was one yr old.. ya..
:: Do you cry during movies?
- if no gals beside me.. n its really damn sad.. ya.. :)
:: Do you cry while reading books?
- nahx.. i dun read books..
:: Does music make you cry?
- alwayz does.. tearin i mean.. like out of a sudden the tears jux dropped.. my closer frenz shd all haf noe it..
:: Have you ever been called a cry baby?
- when i was a baby..
:: Have you ever tried to stop yourself from
- alwayz... but when i tell ppl.. they jux somehow managed to make me cry..
:: Does this survey make you want to cry?
- er.. hahaha..
:: Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
- erm.. i guez so.. and they know it too..
:: Do you cry when you are physically hurt?
- wad? siao.. lydat go ns sure die one larx? ")
:: Do you cry when you are scared?
- huh? how about changing it to scared of loneliness?
:: Do you cry when you are mad?
- i'm usually mad.. everyone knows it.. so when i'm cryin.. datz cuz i'm mad.. hmm.. make no sense..
:: Do you cry over bad grades?
- nahx.. kinda used to it..
:: Have you ever cried over spilled milk?
- when i was a baby yea? heeheex.. erm.. so far i only regretted 3 things i haf/haf not done.. if itx cuz of these 3.. hmm.. maybe?
:: Can you make yourself cry?
- can! listen to the sad songs..
:: When was the last time you cried?
- i durnoe..
:: Have you ever cried because you were sad for
someone else
- yea.. when i tried to put myself in his shoes and realize it was too unbearable for me..
:: Do you have a favorite crying quote
- wadz dat?
:: Have you ever cried for anyone who wouldn't
cry for you?
- yea.. i mean.. yar.. i durnoe?
:: Do you ever cry on anniversaries of things?
- not really.. jux upset ba.. where got anyhow cry one..
:: Do you cry over someone you love becoz they
have a gf/bf?
- tink so..
::When was the last time u felt love and u cried?
- No OnE LuRvEs Me..
::Who is the person you always cry for?
- can i keep dat little secret to me?
:: Will you cry because this survey is over:
- hahaha.. plz try again later..